July 23, 2010

Roses are Red...

So I thought painting red would be straightforward and solve my problem of wanting to change painschemes after 2-3 minis. Haha, NO.

Here's some stuff I on painting Blood Angels I found highly inspirational:


Really nice paintjob, but adapting it 1:1 would take ages for the army. I could simplify things and not do as many glazes. Also, big plus for using P3 colors, I <3 them



Also really nice, but using artists' colors, so I suppose they're out. Still considered for his usage of washes for the shadows though.


Another quick idea would be using Army Painter Pure Red or Dragon Red sprays, and dip them in Quickshade.


I might also go for GW's formula here (highlights with Vomit Brown (or was it?) look real pretty).


Here's also a nice tutorial:

Be sure to watch the rest of his videos, they're awesome :P

Luckily I've still got loads of AoBR marines lying around, they'll be sacrificed in the NAEM OF DA EMPRAH to get some good looking Blood Angels.

1 comment:

  1. Funnily enough, that's how I plan to use MY remaining AoBR Marines!! lol
