July 13, 2010

Stopping for Directions

Alrighty then. Work has been keeping me busy, so no updates on the visuals or really anything of the blog. But at least I had an idea for the blog direction..

I figured I'd probably do it like this: while my 40k armies gather their strength (at the speed of a freaking glacier), I'll post thoughts on the lists, about painting them to inform newcomer's (kinda like a "by newbs for newbs!") and my experiences on the field.

That's like, totally original.

On opposite day.

For any aspiring 40k general, I highly, HIGHLY recommend you scan through the archives of YTTH (yesthetruthhurts) by Stelek, also linked to in my blogroll. It is, in my opinion, the best advice you can get online by far. It's got it's share of drama, but a good deal of his posts are pure gold.

Either way, that's my plan for now. Be prepared (or not) for random stuff like music and whatnot posts, too.

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